Quilting with Janet Slater

Sponsored by: WonderFil™ Specialty Threads

janet slater
enjoys expressing her creativity in many crafts, yet always finds her way back to sewing. Her natural progression to quilting led her to be a ‘Square in a Square’ certified instructor. www.createwithjanet.ca

617c3 – Square in a Square: Constellations (25) All Levels
Create a 24″ square using WonderFil™ threads and the Jodi Barrows ‘square in a square’ technique. Achieve perfect points while learning this strip piecing technique that allows you to create flying geese and half square triangles with accuracy. Bring: Omni ruler with a 90° mark or get the Jodi Barrows mini ruler in class for $30. Kit $20
3 Hour Workshop – Sun 9:00 to 12:00


618c3 – Mini Landscapes (25) All Levels
With fabric as your canvas, let your imagination flow as the sewing machine paints the landscape using WonderFil™ specialty threads. Create small pictures combining techniques from both thread painting and landscapes for a colourful, 3D effect perfect for framing. Kit $25
3 Hour Workshop – Fri 1:00 to 4:00


It’s easy to register for classes. Simply click here for pricing info and call 1-800-291-2030 to register.

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