Mary Duldouras: Everything Fashion

Mary Duldouras at Creativ FestivalMary Duldouras Everything Fashion provides her expertise at Creativ Festival this fall.

Who is Mary Duldouras?

She is a fashion designer, Stylist, Image Consultant and Educator. Mary elected to share with you more about what she does and what she is doing at Creativ Festival this fall.

“This fall we at Mary Duldouras Everything Fashion are very excited to be introducing our new simplified and comprehensive program called What To Wear to the Creativ Festival guests. This program is a culmination of my 30 years in fashion combined with my educational experience. It has been developed in response to all our dressing needs in our very busy lives.

This program shows both men and women how to identify their body type and how to dress it so we accentuate the positive while diminishing the negative features of their figures.

Finally everyone can look their best every day regardless of occupation lifestyle or body type.

Learn the skills that will make you look great! Effortlessly every day!”

Meet Mary and her team at Booth # 924 this fall at Creativ Festival.

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