Exciting Knitting Classes with Maggie Jackson

Knitting Scarf Class

Oh No, Not Another Scarf Class with Maggie Jackson

Oh No, Not Another Scarf! (20) All Levels
Maggie gets you thinking ‘outside the box’ as you make holes in your work, cut yarn in the middle of a row just to re-tie with knots at the front, join her renowned tubes and work a ladder stitch. Use the piece you make NOT for part of a scarf but rather another design option: table-runner, pillow, purse, shawl or wall hanging. She will share finishing techniques, unusual tips she learnt from having 45 Irish knitters do the same garment and give advice on what she learned from being a fashion designer, selling to Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom and others. Kit $22

3 Hour Workshop


Creativ Festival

Wearable Art with Maggie Jackson

Knitting: Wearable Art (20) All Levels
This class is a combination of various small squares which can later be put together to make a scarf or be part of a larger project. You’ll make knitted and fabric bows on a square, a ruffle stitch with a two-coloured picot tube and a two-coloured frilled tube that transforms to other shapes. Kit $22

3 Hour Workshop

Register now through showtime for Fall 2013 Conference classes, October 23 through 27 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, South Building. SIGN UP FOR OUR ENEWSLETTER to stay in the know, receive special offers and highlights on what’s happening. Join us at Creativ Festival.

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