Fall 2013 Conference Classes with Cheryl Roberts

Cheryl Roberts owner of Fullin’ Woolens loves colour and funk. Her strong tactile tendencies brought her to the world of wool, specifically dyeing, spinning and felting. Dazzled by the magic of taking wool and creating a totally new material is her passion. Her purpose is to maintain the heart of these ancient crafts, while at the same time learning new ways to push the boundaries. www.facebook.com/pages/Fullin-Woolens/256423391086154

Pre-requisite: Ability to spin a continuous thread and ply 2 threads. Bring: Prepared (pre-oiled) spinning wheel in working condition with Jumbo flyer (if you have one). If a standard flyer, the techniques can be adapted. Also bring 2 bobbins (1 for spinning and 1 for plying) & Lazy Kate to both classes.

Free spinning wheel storage while you enjoy the show!

Creativ Festival

Lock/Tail Spinning, Cheryl Roberts

Lock/Tail Spinning (8) Intermediate
Come learn spinning techniques to create unique yarn from wool locks (of the Wensleydale breed). You will explore with Cheryl the techniques of lock and tail spinning incorporating the use of a core thread. Kit $30 includes 100g of hand-dyed Wensleydale locks & materials required for a core thread & plying (Mohair yarn).
3 Hour Workshop






Creativ Festival

Corespinning: Plying Techniques, Cheryl Roberts

Corespinning: Plying Techniques (8) Intermediate
Discover how to… card an art batt for corespinning, corespin using an art batt, core thread and thread plying. Plus, Cheryl demonstrates and shares tips for autowrapping. Kit $30 includes a 2 oz art batt (consisting of Italian Merino, silk fibres, locks & other assorted fibres) & materials for a core thread & plying.
3 Hour Workshop



Class registration will begin in late July 2013. Watch for updates here on our blog for when brochure details become available and registration begins. www.creativfestival.ca

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